9th June 2013

Hello Everyone, again after a substantial break back in Europe. We managed to carry out some ‘jobs’ that we had to do and visit family and practically no friends this time round. The time just flew past at great speed, it feels like we never left Argentina.

We will take another day or two to get settled back in and then we head for two areas in the great Buenos Aires area to visit some friends that helped us on our way last year (2012) and then we plan to head north west directly Tucuman and head north for Bolivia.

I have a few photographs of interest from our trip back in Europe, I will upload these shortly for you.

When we left Europe the sun was splitting the sky both in Ireland and the Netherlands with lovely summer temperatures, however here it is the middle of winter and we feel the cold and today there was a lot of rain this morning.

We also noticed that in the gap of 6 weeks while we were away, the beautiful autumnal colours of the plants along the route to and from the airport have now more-or-less disappeared, what we have come back to is plants and trees with all the leaves shed or in some cases just the yellow and brown colour of late Autumn/early Winter. Such a contrast.

Another adjustment we have to make is that we had daylight in Europe up to about 22:30hrs each day, where as here it is dark by 18:00hrs.  It feels like we have lost half a day, every day.

The good news is that the car is in good shape.  It started immediately when we picked it up from its covered storage even though the wounds of previous incidents are still visible in spots.

We also hope during this 5 month trip (before we return back to Europe again in November) to have some friends visit us. All the details will be relayed when the events themselves take place.





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